Crack the code on out-of-control health care costs.

We will help you become a model company and build a genuine culture of health, vitality, and quality of life.

Employer-provided healthcare is a huge benefit to a small group of employees and worth very little to the rest. You know this all too well: High-risk, high-cost employees are driving your total healthcare costs.

Why? People are pursuing medical solutions for lifestyle-generated problems. And these medical solutions are not only expensive, they are unsatisfying – they don’t actually create change. Worse, they can even lead to other conditions.

If you’re like most companies, your efforts to bring costs under control have run their course and been maxed out. You need a different kind of solution.

Our mission is to successfully address the problem of chronic illness and the burden it imposes on companies.

Our programs and seminars help you lower your healthcare costs, restore vitality to participating employees, and return a higher-quality employee to you.

The Cruxpoint Method is our proven and powerful approach that unwinds disease, restores health and vitality, and enables your employees to deliver their 40 hours reliably and productively. It’s not a fad, not a hack – we address root causes and enable participants to make the lifestyle changes that will keep your workforce on your team for years to come.

The Cruxpoint method is not a short-term solution, and it doesn’t deliver only short-term results. We design for durable change.

Let’s get your people better. For good.

The American health crisis is growing.

You know this all too well: The health crisis and its associated costs are increasing every year. And this trend shows no sign of reversing.

In the Western world, we have achieved material abundance. But we have not learned how to live well in this condition of abundance. Worldwide, in a matter of 30 years, we have switched from starvation as the most serious food-related threat, to obesity as the most serious food-related threat. Talk about a dramatic shift.

The lifestyle choices made available by material abundance are the most central and essential causes of the chronic disease and disability epidemic.

Just like they’re caused by lifestyle choices, these chronic diseases and disabilities can be stopped and reversed through lifestyle changes.

We are surrounded by seductive choices, and our modern, materially-abundant environment works against us. Material abundance creates an existential crisis for many, leading to:

The list goes on and on.

The “new normal” is material wealth,

and most people do not know how to manage their health in this environment. Our modern life is producing higher rates of chronic emotional stress, poor and insufficient sleep, and loss of meaning and purpose. These problems are showing up at younger and younger ages. In fact, most young parents are putting their children – at a very young age – on a path to poor health.

On virtually all major indicators, we are in a downward spiral of worsening health, occurring at an earlier age, accompanied by escalating costs.

There is no medical or technological solution to this problem. The only solution is learning how to live well in this materially wealthy environment by taking personal responsibility to achieve permanent behavioral and lifestyle change.​

And it’s clear that people need help with this. Humanity is floundering without a guide to help show them the way.

Our seminars and programs connect your people to our experts – dedicated leaders, guides, and coaches who are committed to helping people reach their breakthrough. We design our programs to produce personal responsibility, durable behavioral change, and tangible and lasting results – for real.

Our goals:

  • Prevent and eliminate chronic conditions and diseases
  • Stop or reverse expensive disease patterns
  • Restore health and vitality
  • Avoid expensive disease management
  • Prevent expensive health catastrophes

Ready for change? We’re ready for you.

We are pioneering the way.

Will you pioneer with us? Ask about a demo seminar or piloting our program with a few of your key employees.